6 Ways to Get Your Dream National Geographic Travel Photos in LA

Los Angeles is one of the most colorful and exciting cities. It is located in California on the west coast of the United States. It’s a city of contrasts. Here you can swim in the ocean, climb mountains, and find entertainment for every taste. And beautiful villas and skyscrapers are eclectically combined with poor neighborhoods and many homeless beggars on the streets.

Visiting Los Angeles and taking lots of interesting photos is a dream of many people on the planet. It’s a place where most desires and dreams come true. In the article, let’s look at some interesting spots in Los Angeles where you can take great and unusual photos in National Geographic style.

Travelers usually seek unique places to create lovely photos in National Geographic style. If you need cars for rent for your trip by the city, use car rental under 25 Los Angeles, especially if you are traveling with your friends or a young people group. It is the best idea to get cheap cars for rent.

A City of Dreams

Dream National Geographic Travel Photos in LA

Los Angeles is well-known for the movie industry from 1990 to 2000 and the concentration of movie stars and those related to it. Los Angeles is a city built on dreams of wealth, adventurers, dreams of immigrants, and dreams of actors aspiring for fame.

A Journey Through the City

A Journey Through the City

While traveling through the city, you are bound to feel the abundance of these dreams. Everything is filled with these dreams: the parks and alleys, the stone walls, the grass, the architectural objects, the fountains, and the sculptures.

Los Angeles’ main attraction is its gorgeous location on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The city spreads out on a hilly valley. It’s surrounded by mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.

The climate here is almost perfect: hot and dry summers and perfectly humid winters, which are only a few months. Nevertheless, the sun shines for over 300 days a year. So, start braving the city’s iconic spots and take unique pictures. They will surely be on the top, as LA is an iconic place for everyone.

By the way, you can see the whole city from the highest skyscraper on the observation deck.

Multicultural Photos

Travel Photos in LA

LA is home to more than 100 nationalities that speak more than 200 languages. So you can create entirely original group photos with representatives of several cultures. Isn’t that National Geographic style?

LA Nature

Los Angeles Nature

Los Angeles is famous for its big beaches, and some consider the world-famous Hollywood district a separate city. You’ll find not only lyrical and iconic beaches but also snow-capped mountains, majestic skyscrapers, chaotic sprawling suburbs, and wilderness.

Los Angeles is big enough, but the tourist area is clearly outlined within the city and a little beyond it.

If you are going to take a photo of Los Angeles, it is worth dividing it into certain zones. Downtown is 20 kilometers from the coast. And It combines historical heritage, culture, and even the big village enthusiasm.

Always young and trendy, Hollywood is to the northwest. Urban designer chic and specific reign supreme in West Hollywood. Also, check out Santa Monica, a real tourist paradise where you can have a fun time and visit Beverly Hills, and Westwood. Here you can create a lot of unique shots and feel and breathe the spirit of the world-famous city.

Additional Spots of the City

Additional Spots of Los angeles

You can also take great pictures in Universal Studios Park, walk endlessly through the City Mall, or take desirable shots against the Hollywood letters. Many tourists who come to Los Angeles dream of going down to Hollywood to look at the celebrities’ handprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.


Disneyland Los angeles

There are many places in Los Angeles that you must visit. But what about the pictures taken at Disneyland Park? The trip is completely meaningless if you don’t visit this iconic spot. Disneyland is only an hour drive from Downtown.


Beaches Los angeles

Endless sandy beaches are also the hallmark of Los Angeles. There is an abundance of them, like in Santa Monica, which has many of them and is called the city of beaches. The ocean is a huge and uncontrollable force that surfers are trying to get a grip on.

For example, one of the beaches of Malibu is a real paradise for surfers and a great danger for those who do not swim well. So, you can take a picture of the ungoverned ocean in the style of National Geographic.


Once you’ve been to Los Angeles, you’ll notice that it’s impossible to get bored here. But if you want to dive into the unique nature, into the bosom of magnificent places, and take more photos in National Geographic style, they are within 3-4 hours drive from the city. USA car rentals are the best option for traveling the way you like.

Ferona Jose

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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