The Coronavirus Outbreak: Should You Cancel Your Travel Plans in the USA?

Most of people are doubting that coronavirus will end in the coming summer or how long will it stay? Coronavirus outbreak has stopped the world and people are stuck at home, considering the only option to save themselves from this deadly virus. In such a crisis, people who planned their holidays or vacations are now worried and asking their travel agencies for a refund or hold for an unknown time.

Covid-19, the disease which was identified and started in china, has now spread all over the world affecting more than 1.6 million people and more than 95,000 people have died till now. The United States of America is the most affected country, leaving Spain, Italy, Germany, France, and china behind in numbers.

In March 2020, the World Health Organization said that the spread of Covid-19 is deadly, a pandemic.

Is it safe to travel to the USA or any other country?


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As the numbers of infectious cases increase in the USA, thousands of people are getting sick and many states declared a ban on travel and asked people to stay at home.

In March, Disney theme parks closed worldwide including Florida, California because of the outbreak. Other theme park operators like six flags and universal parks and Resorts have also announced the closures of their parks.

Disney Park Travelistia

Some states in the USA including New York, Florida, and New Jersey have already placed a ban on large gatherings. They have also shut down public places, museums, sporting events, Broadway shows and beaches to slow down the spread and protect the people.

It is not recommended to travel in such a deadly pandemic. If you have booked your travel plan with a company, you can ask for a refund or can ask them to hold on until this pandemic ends. Life in china where the virus started has now coming back to life and lifting bans on public places, traveling and public gatherings.

Information about international travel



If you are thinking about an international travel plan, skip it for now due to Coronavirus Outbreak. The European Union has declared an emergency and placed a ban on all travelers from the rest of the world.

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, and other countries have banned all international flights and trying hard to stop this virus from further spread.

flight cancel travelistia

The US State Department advised U.S citizens to reconsider travel abroad because of the global pandemic covid-19. Two weeks ban is placed by the U.S Government from the European countries. However, green card holders, US citizens and people whose family is permanent in the USA do not stand under the travel and they can still come home.

Tips to consider right now:

Buy a travel insurance
Stay up to date with the news about coronavirus or visit the CDC website for more information
Wear a facemask while going in public
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and face without washing your hands
Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds and try not to handshake with the outsiders
Try to stay away from people who look sick
Cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing and try to use your elbow

Stay home, Stay Safe” is the best strategy to keep your family and yourself safe from the Coronavirus Outbreak virus. Don’t go in public because more you stay home, high chances would be for your safety.

Michael James

I’m Michael James, a professional travel writer and photographer passionate about adventure travel. Together, through my writing and photos, let’s discover the hidden gems and must-see wonders of our planet.

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