5 Unusual Experiences To Try This Vacation

Are you running out of ideas for your next vacation? Think you’ve seen everything and done everything?

Think again!

Here are five unusual travel experiences from every corner of the globe. We guarantee that at least one of them will get you all pumped up and excited to get going.

1. Sleep in a Scandinavian Ice Hotel

Sleep in a Scandinavian Ice Hotel

You may have seen the snow, but have you ever slept in it?

Visitors can do exactly that in Norway and Sweden, with ice hotels offering exclusive opportunities to cozy up in an icy room and embrace the elements.

Each winter, the ice palaces are rebuilt entirely from snow and ice blocks from the nearby rivers. Even the bars and drinking glasses are made of ice!

From December to April, visitors are invited to explore the saunas and the unique ice sculpture exhibitions. With ice suites and temperatures as low as -7 degrees Celsius, you’ll be glad of your warm socks and expedition-style sleeping bags!

Every spring, the hotels melt away, returning to the natural environment they were taken from. This makes your ice hotel visit truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

2. Go Volcano Surfing in Nicaragua

Go Volcano Surfing in Nicaragua

If sub-zero temperatures aren’t your thing, perhaps you need a shot at volcano boarding down Cerro Negro in Nicaragua.

An active volcano isn’t a typical holiday destination, but it’s the ultimate challenge for extreme sport enthusiasts around the world. Armed with nothing more than a wooden board (and appropriate safety gear), you’ll have to hike to the 2,300-foot peak of one of the youngest volcanoes in the country.

The stunning views will have you swooning – but the real rush of adrenaline comes from the thrilling descent!

3. Swim in a Glittering Sea

Swim in a Glittering Sea

You won’t need more than a hammock and sunscreen to enjoy this budget-friendly tropical holiday. With just 2.5 square miles of sandy beaches and lush jungles, Koh Ta Kiev in Cambodia feels almost like a private island!

There’s no internet or electricity, making this the perfect family getaway. Let your stress melt away with cocktails on the beach, wandering through the jungle paths, and sleeping under the bright constellations.

Don’t miss the most magical experience! When night falls, the seas around the island are lit up with the glow of millions of bioluminescent plankton. You’ll never forget your first glittery night swim here!

4. Go Off-the-Grid in Bali… or in Your Backyard

Go Off-the-Grid in Bali… or in Your Backyard

Is the breakneck pace of your daily life getting you down? Do you want to take it slow and smell the roses, but it feels impossible?

Stepping under the clear and sunny skies of Bali will feel like a sigh of relief. With its patchwork of green rice fields and dense jungles, this Indonesian province offers you an opportunity to step off the treadmill of modernity. There are private resorts and silent retreats aplenty to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

Who said you have to hop on a plane to find inner peace? If you or a loved one is struggling with stress, mental health, or substance use, remember that it’s never too late to seek external help. 

It could be as simple as a relaxing phone-free staycation with your friends, a guided meditation retreat in Bali, or a discreet rehab in your city. Looking for a “rehab near me” could be a great start to an experience that’s equally challenging and rewarding!

5. Witness the Olympic Games of the Nomads

Olympic Games of the Nomads

For a cultural sports event like no other, the Naadam Festival is a must-see for visitors to Mongolia.

For a few days every summer, the Mongolian nomadic and spiritual heritage is celebrated all over the country. Between traditional wrestling, thrilling horse races, and archery competitions, there’s never a dull moment.

Bold and colorful national costumes are on full display, with several art, singing, and dance performances. Visitors can also wander through the bazaar just outside the Central Stadium, immersing themselves in the local culture and savoring treats like khuushuur, a deep-fried dumpling.

Don’t forget to bring your game faces!

Final Thoughts

We hope we’ve convinced you that there’s no shortage of incredible experiences on Earth. You just have to look for them.

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