Top 10 Things to Do for Traveling Brazilians

Are you Brazilian planning to travel abroad soon? With the world opening up again, it’s time to start planning your next adventure. But before you pack your bags, it’s essential to know what to expect when traveling abroad.

In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 things every Traveling Brazilian should know before embarking on their journey. From understanding Brazil’s travel advisory and entry/exit requirements to staying safe and healthy while traveling, we cover it all.

We also provide tips on cultural etiquette, handling money, and traveling with children in Brazil. So whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, read on for everything you need to know before jetting off!

1. Understanding Brazil’s Travel Advisory

Brazil's Travel Advisory

Staying informed about Brazil’s travel advisory level is crucial for traveling Brazilians. It’s important to check local media and embassy websites for specific information and updates on recent developments and changes in advisories. Travel insurance for medical evacuation and emergencies is also recommended.

Travelers should follow any travel restrictions or warnings issued by local authorities to ensure their safety. By staying informed and prepared, traveling Brazilians can have a smoother and more secure experience.

Current Travel Advisory Level

Before planning your trip to Brazil, it is crucial to check the current travel advisory level. Be cautious and stay aware of any safety concerns or risks that might exist.

Travel advisories can change, so it’s important to stay updated and consult local authorities or the embassy for further information. Plan your travel itinerary accordingly, taking into account any travel warnings that may be in place.

Safety Concerns for Tourists in Brazil

When Traveling Brazilians, it is important to be cautious of street crime, such as armed robbery and theft. Take precautions, especially in crowded areas and public transportation.

Avoid favelas, as they can be dangerous for tourists. For transportation, use reputable taxi services or ride-sharing apps. In major cities, where organized crime may be prevalent, it’s crucial to be extra vigilant. Stay safe by being aware of potential safety concerns and taking necessary precautions.

2. Health Precautions for Travelers

Health Precautions for Travelers

When Traveling Brazilians, it is important to take necessary health precautions. This includes getting the required pre-travel vaccinations and medications. Stay updated on health notices and updates for Brazil to ensure your safety.

Take measures to ensure food and water safety during your trip. Protect yourself from insect bites, especially in areas with malaria. Also, make sure to follow local laws and regulations regarding medical care and insurance.

Pre-Travel Vaccines and Medications

Before embarking on your trip, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for the recommended vaccines. Yellow fever vaccination is particularly important, as it is required in certain areas.

Additionally, consider getting additional vaccinations to protect against diseases such as malaria or dengue fever. Don’t forget to carry necessary medications like those for diarrhea or motion sickness. It’s also wise to keep a record of your vaccinations and medical history for reference.

Health Notices and Updates

To ensure a safe trip, stay informed about any health notices or updates for Brazil. It’s crucial to follow the guidance of local authorities and healthcare professionals.

Take precautions against diseases like the Zika virus if applicable. If you experience any symptoms, seek medical care promptly.

Familiarize yourself with local medical facilities and emergency services. Stay proactive in prioritizing your health during your travels.

Food and Water Safety Measures

When traveling in Brazil, it is important to take certain safety measures regarding food and water. Tap water should be avoided, and instead, drink bottled water or use water purification methods.

Be cautious of street food and choose reputable establishments. Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating. Make sure that your food is cooked thoroughly, and fruits and vegetables are properly washed.

Additionally, it is advisable to carry necessary medications, such as those for food poisoning, just in case.

How to Prevent Insect Bites?

To prevent insect bites while traveling in Brazil, it is important to take certain precautions. Use insect repellents with recommended ingredients, wear protective clothing, and use bed nets in high-risk areas. Avoid stagnant water and seek medical advice if you develop symptoms after being bitten by insects.

3. Legal Aspects and Local Laws of Brazil

Local Laws of Brazil

When visiting Brazil, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations. Understand that drug laws in Brazil are strict and penalties for drug offenses can be severe.

Show respect for local customs and traditions, including public displays of affection. Always carry proper identification, such as your passport, while exploring the country. If you have specific legal concerns, it is advisable to consult your embassy or consulate for the most accurate information.

Drug Laws and Penalties

Be mindful of Brazil’s stringent drug laws, encompassing possession and trafficking. Refrain from participating in any illicit activities, particularly those related to drugs.

Comprehend the harsh consequences, including lengthy incarceration. Be cautious when accepting packages or items from strangers, as they may contain illegal substances. In the event of an arrest, contact the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate for aid.

Child Sex Tourism Prohibitions and Penalties

Strict legislation exists to combat the issue of child sex tourism in Brazil. Those involved in the exploitation of children face heavy penalties, including imprisonment. Authorities actively monitor and prosecute offenders to ensure the safety of children.

If you come across any suspicious activities related to child exploitation, it is important to report them immediately. The Brazilian government places a strong emphasis on protecting children and takes this matter very seriously.

Identification Requirements for Travelers

When traveling in Brazil, it is important for all tourists, including Brazilians, to adhere to the identification requirements. This includes carrying a valid passport at all times and being prepared to provide identification upon request by authorities.

To ensure safety, it is recommended to keep copies of travel documents in a secure location. Additionally, travelers should follow local laws and regulations regarding identification and ensure that their passports are valid for the duration of their travel.

4. Entry and Exit Requirements for Brazil

Entry and Exit Requirements for Brazil

Before traveling to Brazil, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the entry and exit requirements. Make sure your passport has at least six months’ validity and check if a visa is required for your nationality.

Prepare all necessary travel documents such as return tickets, hotel reservations, and travel insurance. Stay updated on any changes to the entry and exit requirements to ensure a smooth journey.

Passport Validity and Requirements

Ensure that your passport has a minimum of six months’ validity before traveling. Check the expiration date and renew it well in advance if necessary. Keep your passport information safe and secure.

Also, make sure to follow any specific passport requirements set by authorities. Taking these steps will ensure a smooth travel experience without any passport-related issues.

Visa Information and Process

To ensure a smooth travel experience, it is important for traveling Brazilians to determine if they require a visa based on their nationality. Thorough research of the visa requirements and application process should be conducted, and the application should be submitted well in advance to avoid any delays.

It is crucial to provide all the necessary documentation for the visa application and to follow up on its status. By following these steps, travelers can ensure a hassle-free visa process.

5. Tips for Ensuring Safety and Security

Ensuring Safety and Security

Be mindful of the risk of violent crime, especially in urban areas.

Avoid flaunting wealth or carrying valuable items to deter thieves.

Stay updated on local laws, regulations, and customs.

Exercise caution when using crowded public transportation.

Opt for reputable transportation services like licensed taxis for safer travel.

Dual nationals should carry their Brazilian passport at all times.

Recent years have seen safety concerns rise in certain areas.

It’s essential to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions.

Plan your travel itinerary wisely and be aware of potential risks.

Engaging with reliable local resources can provide key safety information.

Risk of Crime

When traveling in Brazil, it’s important to stay alert and vigilant, especially in major cities. Take precautions to avoid pickpocketing, armed robbery, and other street crimes. It’s advisable to avoid traveling alone, particularly at night or in isolated areas.

Stay informed about recent crime trends by following local media. If you experience any criminal incidents, report them to local authorities for assistance. Remember to prioritize your safety during your trip.

Avoiding Fraud

When traveling in Brazil, it’s important for tourists to be cautious of scams and fraudulent activities. This includes being aware of credit card fraud or ATM skimming.

To avoid falling victim to such schemes, it is advised to use ATMs located within secure areas like banks or shopping centers.

Additionally, keeping credit card information safe and regularly monitoring statements for any suspicious activity can help prevent fraud. Any incidents of fraud should be promptly reported to the local authorities.

Women’s Safety Measures

When traveling alone, it’s crucial for women to be aware of their surroundings and take necessary precautions for personal safety.

Respecting local customs by dressing modestly can also help ensure a safer experience. Avoiding walking alone at night, particularly in dimly lit areas, is important.

It’s advisable to use reliable transportation services like registered taxis or ridesharing apps. Trusting instincts and being vigilant are key to staying safe during travel.

Public Transportation Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with public transportation routes, schedules, and fares. Use official, licensed public transportation services to ensure safety and reliability. Be aware of crowded quarters, especially during peak travel times, and secure your personal belongings to avoid pickpocketing.

It’s important to follow local laws and regulations when using public transportation facilities. Stay informed about any updates or advisories from the local media, and if you have any concerns, reach out to the local authorities or the Brazilian embassy for assistance.

6. Health Services and Facilities

Health Services and Facilities

Access to medical care is crucial while traveling, and having travel insurance is important for covering any medical emergencies. It is advisable to consult local laws and authorities for specific information.

The availability and quality of medical facilities may vary between major cities and satellite cities. For further information, travelers can reach out to the nearest Brazilian embassy.

Availability of Medical Services

Checking the availability of medical facilities in urban areas is important for traveling Brazilians. It is advised to exercise caution with tap water, as it may not be safe. In case of serious illness or injury, medical evacuation might be necessary.

Most medical facilities accept credit card payments. Travelers should consider carrying medical insurance to cover any expenses.

Quality of Healthcare Facilities

The quality of healthcare facilities in Brazil can vary across different areas. It’s important to stay informed about recent developments, and the local media can provide valuable information in this regard. If you require medical care, especially in major cities, it is advisable to seek prompt assistance.

However, it’s worth noting that medical facilities in housing developments may have limited services. For specific information on local laws and authorities, the consulate or embassy can be a helpful resource.

7. Adventure Tourism in Brazil

Tourism in Brazil

Brazil is a hub for adventure tourism with a wide range of activities to explore. Trekking in remote areas requires safety precautions, while beachgoers should follow guidelines for shark attack prevention. Organized adventure activities can be enjoyed through guided tour options.

It is important to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations before embarking on any adventure tours in Brazil. Enjoy the thrill of adventure while staying safe and respecting the local environment.

Trekking Routes and Safety

When planning your trekking adventure in Brazil, it’s important to prioritize safety. Start by researching the available trekking routes and selecting reputable tour operators who can guide you through the journey.

To minimize the risk of getting lost, always stay on designated paths. Additionally, be aware of potential flash flooding, especially during rainy seasons.

Take necessary precautions by carrying water, food, and appropriate gear. Lastly, make sure to follow the advice of local authorities in case of any potential dangers.

Swimming and Beach Safety

When swimming at beaches in Brazil, it is important to prioritize safety. Swim only in designated areas where lifeguards are present and be cautious of strong currents, especially in unguarded sections.

Pay attention to warning signs, flags, and stop signs to ensure your safety. It is advisable to avoid swimming alone, particularly in remote areas. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen regularly, and seek shade to protect yourself from sunburns.

8. Cultural Etiquette for Travelers in Brazil

Travelers in Brazil

When visiting Brazil, it’s essential to engage with locals respectfully, appreciating their customs and traditions. Learning basic Portuguese phrases can greatly enhance communication with the locals. Dressing modestly, particularly when visiting religious sites, is considered appropriate.

Being aware of local behavior norms, such as greetings and public displays of affection, helps visitors navigate social interactions smoothly. Respecting local authorities, laws, customs, and traditions is vital for a positive and fulfilling travel experience in Brazil.

Interacting with the Locals

When traveling in Brazil, it is important to interact with the locals to truly experience the culture. Brazilians are known to be friendly and welcoming towards tourists, so engaging in conversations with them can be a rewarding experience.

Show genuine interest in their culture and customs, using polite greetings like “bom dia” and “Obrigado/a.” If locals extend invitations for local food, music, or cultural events, accept them graciously. For an even more immersive experience, consider participating in local activities such as samba dancing.

Dress Code and Behavior Norms

When visiting Brazil, it’s important to dress modestly and avoid revealing or provocative clothing, especially in religious areas. Brazilians value cleanliness, so maintaining good personal hygiene is essential. It’s crucial to behave respectfully by avoiding public intoxication or disruptive behavior.

Additionally, it’s important to respect local customs, such as removing shoes before entering certain places. Lastly, practicing good table manners, including saying “bom appetite” before starting a meal, is considered polite in Brazilian culture.

9. Handling Money in Brazil

Handling Money in Brazil

When it comes to handling money in Brazil, caution is key, especially in crowded areas. While ATMs are widely available, it’s important to remain vigilant against card skimming.

For small payments, carrying the Brazilian Real (BRL), the local currency, is advisable. To avoid any card issues, inform your credit card company before traveling. Additionally, consider using secure transportation like taxis or Uber when carrying significant amounts of cash.

Currency Exchange Tips

When traveling to Brazil, it’s important to consider currency exchange tips for better financial planning. Before your trip, check the exchange rates to get an idea of how much local currency you’ll need.

Avoid exchanging currency at airports, as rates there are often higher. Instead, look for reputed local banks or authorized money changers for better rates. While using credit cards can be convenient, be aware of foreign transaction fees. Additionally, keep track of currency conversion fees to avoid any surprises.

Card Usage and ATM Safety

When traveling abroad, it’s important for Brazilians to be aware of card usage and ATM safety. To avoid any inconvenience, notify your bank about your travel plans in advance to prevent card blocks.

Exercise caution when using ATMs, especially in crowded areas, as thieves may try to take advantage of the situation.

For added safety, use ATMs located within banks or secure areas. Keep your PIN confidential and cover the keypad while entering it. Additionally, regularly check your card statements for any unauthorized transactions to ensure the security of your finances.

10. Traveling with Children in Brazil

Traveling with Children in Brazil

When traveling with children in Brazil, it’s important to research child-friendly destinations and attractions in advance.

Make sure your accommodations have facilities suitable for children and carry all necessary travel documents, including passport copies for your little ones.

Don’t forget to pack essential items like snacks, toys, and medications for the journey. Additionally, stay informed about local laws and regulations regarding child safety. By taking these precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for your family.

Child-Friendly Destinations and Activities

When traveling with children in Brazil, there are plenty of child-friendly destinations and activities to enjoy. Take a trip to Praia de Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, a family-friendly beach with a lively atmosphere.

Explore the Museu de Ciências Naturais in Brasília, a kid-friendly museum that offers engaging exhibits. For outdoor fun, head to Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo, which features playgrounds and bike paths.

Water parks like Beach Park in Fortaleza offer water slides and pools for all ages. Don’t miss out on attending local festivals and events, such as Carnival, which are suitable for families.

Special Considerations for Children’s Safety

When traveling with children, it’s important to take special precautions to ensure their safety. Keep a close eye on them in crowded areas, public transportation, and urban areas. Teach them about street safety, including not talking to strangers and staying close to adults.

Consider using child travel harnesses or strollers for added security in crowded areas. Carry recent photographs of your children in case of emergencies. Stay updated on local laws and travel advisories regarding child safety.

What to Know About Brazil’s Climate and Natural Disasters?

Prepare for Brazil’s rainy seasons, which vary by region and occur at different times. Be aware of flash flooding risks in urban areas and housing developments.

Take precautions during droughts, conserve water, and follow local guidelines. Stay informed about wildfires and follow local authorities’ instructions. Keep updated with local media and weather updates.

Coping with Brazil’s Rainy Seasons

When visiting Brazil, it’s important to be prepared for the country’s rainy seasons. Pack appropriate rain gear like umbrellas, raincoats, and waterproof footwear to stay dry during sudden downpours.

Plan indoor activities, such as visiting museums, on days with heavy rainfall. Be cautious when driving, as road conditions can deteriorate during rainy seasons.

Consider guided tours or organized activities that are not weather-dependent. Always check local weather forecasts and be prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions.

Preparing for Dry Season and Droughts

During dry seasons, it’s crucial for travelers to stay hydrated and carry water bottles to avoid dehydration.

Additionally, following local water usage guidelines is important as water scarcity may be an issue during droughts. Taking precautions to prevent wildfires, like avoiding open fires and properly disposing of cigarette butts, is essential.

Being mindful of water conservation in public areas and accommodations can also make a positive impact. Lastly, consider visiting destinations known for their natural water sources, such as waterfalls and rivers, during dry seasons.

What to Do During Wildfires?

During wildfires, it’s crucial to follow evacuation instructions from local authorities if necessary. Stay indoors, close windows, and use air purifiers to minimize smoke exposure.

Avoid areas affected by wildfires, including national parks and forested areas. Stay updated through local media and official websites, and report any wildfires to emergency services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some must-see tourist attractions in Brazil?

Some of the top tourist attractions in Brazil include the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, the breathtaking Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, and the historic Pelourinho district in Salvador.

Nature lovers can explore the Amazon rainforest, while beach enthusiasts can relax on Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. Immerse yourself in Brazilian culture by experiencing samba performances or visiting a traditional Capoeira school.

What are some cultural norms and customs to be aware of when traveling in Brazil?

When traveling in Brazil, it’s important to be aware of the cultural norms and customs. Brazilians are known for their warmth and friendliness, so expect greetings with handshakes or hugs.

Personal space is not a big concern, and tipping around 10% is expected. Showing respect for the local culture by learning some basic Portuguese phrases can also go a long way.

Are there any safety concerns for travelers in Brazil?

Yes, there are safety concerns for travelers in Brazil. Street crime, such as pickpocketing and theft, is common in tourist areas. To stay safe, avoid displaying valuables and always keep an eye on your belongings. It’s also important to research the safety of specific areas before visiting and be cautious when using public transportation.

What are some traditional Brazilian foods to try while traveling?

Traditional Brazilian foods are a must-try while traveling. Experience the rich flavors of feijoada, a black bean and meat stew, coxinha, a chicken snack shaped like a drumstick, pão de queijo, cheesy bread made with cassava flour, and brigadeiro, a sweet chocolate truffle.


To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Brazil, it is essential to be well-prepared and informed about the country’s travel advisory, health precautions, legal aspects, entry and exit requirements, safety and security measures, health services, adventure tourism, cultural etiquette, handling money, traveling with children, and climate and natural disasters.

By following these guidelines, you can have a worry-free experience and make the most of your time in this beautiful country.

Remember to stay vigilant, respect the local culture, and take necessary precautions to ensure a memorable and safe journey. So pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and create unforgettable memories in Brazil!


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Ferona Jose

Ferona Jose is a passionate travel writer and blogger at Travelistia. She has traveled throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Her writing focuses on cheap travel destinations, travel experiences, cultural insights, and travel hacks.

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